Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Camo and Denim and Wookies, Oh My

Ever dream that you had a chance to do your wedding over? Ever dreamed of seeing it awash in, say, denim. Or camo? Friends, here's your chance. J introduced me to Tacky Weddings, a website that features over-the-top crazy takes on the traditional white wedding day. That may be a kind way to say it.

An earlier feature in March shows a divorced woman wearing her big white dress to celebrate her 50th birthday party. Never mind that the once-groom is long gone, or that the tiara she's sporting looks, well, painful, this lady is ready to rock! Of course, she didn't stay in her gown all night; rather, she changed into a hoop skirt that featured pictures of herself growing up attached to the fabric with what looks like puff paint. Classy, indeed.

My favorite? This wedding cake. Seriously, it's a gorgeous cake! Just slightly to the left of sane, so far as the sentiment goes...

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