Monday, March 9, 2009

Busy Monday

I got up this morning and made it to the gym, no small feat after the crazy night last night. I picked up B in Montgomery then, at some point during the night, I heard a faint but shrill beeping. I got up, bleary-eyed, thinking it was someone outside, or one of my neighbors, but it was too close. I woke B up as I stumbled through the apartment (how he was still sleeping, I'll never know) and he, wisely, discerned that it was coming from, you guessed it, the closet o' stuff ready for charity.

I felt like Phoebe in that Friends episode where she can't figure out how to make the fire alarm stop going off. B grabbed the bag that the noise was coming from, yanking it from the closet and began to untie the top. I stop him and simply rip the bag open, hauling out the guilty little alarm clock which, apparently, was still running on battery power and had somehow gotten one of its alarms turned on. To whatever time it was. "Dark" is my best estimate. I certainly didn't check! I just plugged it in and turned it off, so now there's a little trail of trash bag, random books, and evil alarm clock in my guest room.

Despite that, I did make it up this morning, sneaking out the door to make it to the gym in time to meet the girls. I got back in time to do step 2 in making my Grandma's famous yeast rolls: rolling out, cutting into rounds. B and I are having meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and red wine for dinner tonight, so her yeast rolls seemed like a natural fit. I still can't believe that it was a year ago yesterday that she died. I was visiting B over spring break. We were at his beach house in North Carolina. I can't believe how much has changed since then. She always loved B, especially because she knew he had a fondness for roses. I know she would've loved seeing the wedding!

So tonight, we'll toast Grandma and over-indulge on her perfectly sweet and salty yeast rolls. But for now, it's just a really busy Monday morning!

...Case in point? I'm just getting to publish this, following a fun lunch with B. Where is the day going? Quicker return to the rolls and meatloaf, I suppose!

1 comment:

cps said...

oh my my i am so SO impressed. i am having a hard time gearing myself up for studying, despite the 2 cups of coffee i had this morning. lethargy is my first middle and last name today. i'm not even procrastinating. i am just doing nothing. come kick my butt.