Monday, October 13, 2008

Small Victory

Bought gas this morning for $2.89 at Love's (1-20 Exit 9 in Georgia). Made me think back to the days when gas was under $3... was that 2000? Seems like it was more recent than that... maybe 2004. Regardless, it made me smile and even though I had half a tank, it also made me exit.
I'm all for small victories these days. There is so much hard and pain (yes, I intended that usage) going on in the world that I think we need to just celebrate the little things. The little, seemingly meaningless little things. I slept well last night. Spent three whole days with B. Worked on my book freelance for a few hours last night while having a really good chicken taco. All really nice and good things.

I think the upcoming wedding is making me more reflective. People caution me not to get too invested in the wedding, not to look forward to it too much, because once it's gone, you'll (read: I'll) be sad.

A "coming down," yes that I can understand. If you invest in anything (save Enron) for upwards of nine months and then it concludes, comes to an end, or culminates and yes, you're going to have a coming down period of readjustment, but I think the key is enjoying each day. Today I'm not looking forward to my wedding, rather I'm relishing getting to spend a long weekend with B not meeting with priests (see below) and picking up a pretty dress. Yes, for the rehearsal dinner, but also for after, too. :)

Someone may have to remind me of this as the months come, but I fully intend (before God and all other online witnesses) to embrace and enjoy the months to come, both wedding related and not. Some of the best moments of this weekend were when B and I got a moment alone to watch instant replays of college football. How can I not be thankful for that?

We also had great moments with some of his high school friends... which I have to stop saying because I love them so much that they're clearly my friends now too. (I covet things--it's a last-child thing.) Great moments in the mall buying sunglasses (10 months after I lost mine and "borrowed" B's), great moments dress shopping with B in a bridal salon (for aforementioned rehearsal dinner dress), and great moments driving home this morning listening to Pink's "Rock Star."
So this post was suppose to be about gas prices and here I am tearing up over my Dell at work. Color me uber-girly today.
I stop and think about all the things happening in the world and in my friends' and family's lives and sometimes my heart breaks a little, so the small victories...I think it's the small victories that do it for us. For today, I just can't believe how lucky and blessed I am.

Any small victories you'd like to share?

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