Sunday, November 2, 2008

Countdown to Two-Hour Thanksgiving

It's November 2nd and it's 70 degrees outside. What? Sign me up. J and I went out for a five-mile walk and it was gorgeous, and the perfect lead-in to tomorrow. What's tomorrow you ask? Let me tell you a little story.
Once there was a little girl named A. A had a great job at a food website. The food website had monthly planning meetings. At one planning meeting, A said, "I have a great idea for our Thanksgiving package. Let's do a quick-cooking menu that can be done in a small kitchen. And let's see if we can do it in two hours or less!"
There was much rejoicing and A's editors loved the idea. Which is how A, oh this anonymous A, found herself buying $176 worth of groceries on her work credit card and selecting a turkey on November 2nd.
That's right, kiddos. Tomorrow I'm embarking on a two-hour journey (with J, my cooking buddy) that will encompass all of the Thanksgiving staples, made from scratch, in less than 120 minutes. Twelve-pound turkey? Check. Sweet potatoes? Check. Creamed corn? Check. Gravy? Check... and so on. If you want to see the full menu, check out my work blog:
When I'm able to move again (after cooking and eating my body weight in green beans and stuffing), I'll update how the meal went.

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