Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wedding Planning Moment of the Day

In the past three months, I've given out my email address, wedding date, and shoe size to almost any website or vendor that has requested it. Samples? Thank you. Discounts? Yes, please. But these are all new sites. Contrary to what most guys might like to believe, we girls don't sign up with or register at stores just for kicks before getting engaged. Imagine my surprise then when, my tried-and-true book seller, sent me this (unsolicited) purchase suggestion:

Essential Manners for Couples: From Snoring and Sex to Finances and Fighting Fair-What Works, What Doesn't, and Why

Apparently, the book addresses topics including...

Permissive flirting: How to define parameters and enjoy verbal combat with the opposite sex.
The "Chore I.Q." test—are you really divvying up the workload fairly?
When you hate her friends: socializing with the enemy.
Enter children: Good parents still spend time together as a couple.
Bedroom etiquette—getting beyond the headache excuse.
Interactions with in-laws—smooth merge or crash and burn?
Where to go for the holidays: surviving family visits and how to say "no."
Balancing life with your other significant other—your work ... and much more.

Oh boy. I think I really do have a headache...

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