Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My family is big on Alabama football, so it's no surprise that, when my parents were watching the game with my oldest brother and his family this weekend, my other older brother called to say hello. And then that my brother-in-law beeped in a few minutes later to chat about the game.

They three-wayed the conversation and were all talking when one lamented the fact that B couldn't be on the line, too, and that he was trapped at Pre-Cana during such a big game. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Please notice that they were missing and feeling sorry for B, not for me. The Alabama girl. Carry on.]

My brother-in-law piped up. "What? I've been texting with B all afternoon!"

Busted. But come on, can you blame us? We had to know the scores and, until the Natural Family Planning portion of the programming, we were only texting during breaks. And lunch. And free time.

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