Monday, July 14, 2008

Lazy, Wonderful Weekend

I love rain. Pouring rain. It makes me long for an apartment with a tin roof. Ok, a tin roof during the day (ideal for late-afternoon naps), but a normal one at night. Some people want bi-level homes, I was a bi-roof home. Add it to the list!
Aside from the (wonderful) rain, the weekend was pretty much perfect. I got some new-aged apartment therapy on Friday night, then woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning and headed to the Farmer's Market.
Six peaches later, B and I were enjoying a lunch of baked ziti before playing tennis and hitting the pool.
Saturday night was fun, if interesting. I got together with a bunch of my Birmingham girlfriends and their respective boys. It wasn't really planned, but just snowball worked out where we could all get sushi and see a movie. B compared it to (a fun!) 8th grade date night. At least we could all drive.
Sunday was church, followed by a now traditional bacon, egg, and cheese fiesta at home before a super long nap, more rain, a little grocery shopping, and a lot of crab cake making.
Sometimes it's good to be home. And great to start 4 consecutive paragraphs with 's.' The copy editor in me lives!

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