Thursday, December 4, 2008

Great Dad Humor

Caring for an infant is kind of like being a member of Prince’s entourage or an aide to Kim Jong-Il: You are responsible for anticipating the needs of an irrational person who is completely divorced from reality.

Found this hilarious article while dining on chicken soup at my desk. It's called The Newborn Ultimatum and is about a dad writing about becoming a better man after having a baby. As he says, "Not 'a better man' in some hokey, Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets way, but a better man, practically speaking. "

Take a minute to read his observations on raising a child. A few of my favorites...

Since Kate’s birth, I categorize all things in life into two categories: Things That Can Kill the Baby and Things That Cannot Kill the Baby. Open jug of bleach? Category one. Angry boss? Category two. By dealing with ultimate peril, you are much more calm and collected about all the other nonsense.

My daughter, while being the sweetest future MacArthur Fellow you’ll ever meet, has about as much common sense as a bag of Britneys.

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