Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Love My Nieces

I got a chance to hang with the Smith sisters last night for a few hours. We made and decorated sugar cookies for our snack, which turned out to be really tough (Note to Self: Give kids snack before bringing out the cookie dough.).

E&S: Can we have another piece of the dough part?

Me: We don't need to eat anymore or we won't have any cookies to bake.

E: I like the dough better.

S: Can I eat this piece?

Me: Well, too much dough can hurt your tummy.

S: Can I eat this piece?

Me: Yes, but then decorate. Put some sprinkles on! Are you done?

E: No, I'm still working. And I want more of the dough part.

S: Can I eat this piece?

Me: Yes, but let's make that the last piece or we won't be able to eat any cookies.

E: Why?

S: Can I eat this piece?

Me: Fine. Because you won't be hungry for cookies.

E: I'm always hungry for cookies.

S: Can I eat this piece?

Me: Yes, one last bite for everyone. You need to have room for dinner.

S: Can I eat this piece?

Me: Ok! Time to put them in the oven!

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