Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our First Date

Ever have those "we look exactly the same as we did back then" moments? Not while looking at this picture, folks. This, dear readers, is our first date, spring of 2002 at a KA formal. That's the formal dress that my Mom had to overnight because I was so sure I'd brought my formals with me to school ("I can picture them in the closet, it's just the wrong closet"). LOVE YOU MOM!

Our dear friend (well, originally B's friend) Renee set us up and the rest is mostly history. B thought it was a date (right honey?), and I thought he just needed someone to go with him to a formal. That's right, he walked me to the door and I went right on inside without a second thought or much more than a "see you later!" Hindsight helps me label that as "playing hard to get." Right. I wish I was that smooth.

I remember B seeming surprised that I'd be up for dancing with him, and I remember the bus (yes, the frat rented school buses) pulling over on the side of the interstate so several tux-adorned boys and formal-wearing girls could go have a pit-stop in the overgrowth. Charmed, I'm sure!

Who knew? That was eight years ago this spring. Thank you, Renee!

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