Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Final Countdown

Ok, so not "final" just yet, but it sure feels that way! B got in last night, making this whole "wedding weekend" thing finally feel real. It's so much better tying up the loose ends together-- it makes me feel like we're doing something for our guests instead of simply tying ribbons. Can't really describe it, but I like it!

It hit me last night that I won't ever be apart from B again. I mean, sure, for work travel and little things, but we'll never (Lord willing) have to do the long-distance, no-end-in-sight relationship again. I'm so thankful! I told him I'm going to drive him nuts by waking up every day and saying, "You're still here!"

Things really are getting fun. Today's my last day of work before the wedding. It's a busy, full day, but that's good. I'm sneaking in a last-minute lunch with my friend L just to chat, then nose to the grindstone until around 5:30 when I'll head out and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with B at one of our favorite Mexican dives. Bring on the mariachi!

Say prayers for B today around 1:30-- he has a meeting/interview with a judge here in town. I love how cool and collected he is. I tend to freak out and over analyze before interviews or meetings with people I don't know. But B? Not a chance. He was working late into the night making sure the DVD worked, the camera was functional, formatting our information sheet, and negotiating our benefits package. It's such an amazing blessing to have him here for a few days before we descend into the (happy!) mayhem that will be the wedding weekend. It's nice to have a dinner or two where we can just enjoy each other and not think about details.

That said, I can't WAIT to get home and start the celebration. On Wednesday, I get to meet my nephew, born in December, and see all the monkeys again. B's parents will arrive and we'll have a fun, intimate family dinner of 17. Crazy!

Mostly right now I'm feeling so happy and blessed that I can hardly stand it. Sure there are things to do, and they'll be done tonight (I promise!), but it just warms my heart to know that friends and family are making big efforts to celebrate with us in a few days. Bring on the party!

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