Sunday, March 8, 2009


B's here!  I picked him up in Montgomery after a weekend getaway with the guys in Florida and, well, it just couldn't be better.  I loved him in the apartment before, but now that the apartment is officially mine (ie, purged of all random stuff that wasn't mine and/or wasn't useful), it really does feel like home.  I can't wait to actually have him live here for five weeks this summer-- amazing!

On a side note, having a boy in the apartment does change things.  For instance, this morning, I shut off my heat officially (even though it'd been set at 60 all winter) and, just this evening, actually had to turn on my air conditioning once B and I got home.  They say having heat/AC days means you're definitely in Alabama.  At 78 degrees, I'd agree!

Fabulous day.  My weekend is over, which would normally be cause for sad, but it's not, because it's just the start to a fantastic week.  I've got B here for a whole week, I'm taking two days off this week, and, to cap it all off, I've got a shower and a dress fitting in there too.  Yea!

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