Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monkey Antics in Mexico

I'll keep the ID of this monkey on the DL for this story, as told by one of my sisters-in-law:

I looked over and saw her in the corner of the playground, standing up with her hands on her knees. She'd taken her shoes and socks off and put them to the side and was trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to pee down one leg of her shorts. I ran over and asked her what she was doing. After all, if she'd had time to take off her shoes and socks, this clearly wasn't an accident. She said she didn't want to stop playing to go inside and go to the bathroom. Needless to say, we had a wardrobe change on the playground that day.


Katie said...

Um, so I know someone else who might have tried this when she was little....

A said...

Noooo... I will SO need the story behind this one!!